Citizens Speak Out
Introduce your class to the most famous bill around. The Bill of Rights, of course. Give each student a copy the Bill of Rights or a kid-friendly version of this famous document. Divide the class into pairs; then have each twosome read through the ten amendments and discuss what they think each one means and why it is important. Have the pair list on the back of the page three main ideas it gathered from reading the amendments. Then discuss the students’ ideas as a class. Next, have each student complete the second part of the page as directed. Provide time for each child to give his speech to the class.
Reading About Citizenship
Help students make connections to the topic of citizenship with the aid of some outstanding children’s books. Ask your librarian to help you gather copies of the titles listed. Display the questions shown below. Then read one of the books aloud and use the questions to guide a class discussion. After the talk, divide the class into groups. Give each group one or more books, a sheet of chart paper, and a marker. Have the group list its responses to the questions on the paper. Then have groups share their responses as a class.
Discussion Questions:
Now Let Me Fly: The Story of a Slave Family by Dolores Johnson
Who Belongs Here? An American Story by Margy Burns Knight
The Garden of Happiness by Erica Tamar
A Very Important Day by Maggie Rugg Herold
The American Wei by Marion Hess Pomerane
Granddaddy’s Gift by Margaree King Mitchell
Source: Mailbox Magazine Dec/Jan 2001-2002
Courtesy of the Warren County Historical Society